At the 2024 FIPS World Congress – Technology Special Interest Group
The chair of the Technology SIG, Mihai Enache, from Salvamont Arges in Romania, will not be available to attend the conference and I have volunteered to facilitate the scheduled meeting to work with the group to develop a vision as to what the SIG should be and what should it look like into the future. Mihai can be contacted via email at or . I will share any information Mihai provides to support our discussions.
We have two technological products being present during the conference. Jack Svensson of Twiceme Technology will be making a special presentation on our way to Narvik, Norway on Thursday and Fredrik Steinwall of RECCO will make a presentation during one of the Avi days.
I have invited both gentlemen to join us on Wednesday, April 24th at 16:30 if onsite and available. I also think that a discussion about drones could be a great idea. Romania works a great deal with drones and may have some input to the SIG. They do have some very interesting technology for ski areas. Those who were in Val Thoren might remember. These discussions and topics may assist in identifying specific areas of interest in Technology that the SIG may pursue over the next two years prior to the XXV FIPS 2026 Congress.
To date, our Technology SIG has only existed for the development of the FIPS website and the use of Google Workspace for the entire FIPS Executive team. Now it is time to move forward and introduce other technologies for consideration by this SIG to support patrol activities internationally.
What technology topics could contribute most to patrol services globally that the SIG may investigate and provide recommendations regarding use in the future?
We would like to get everyone’s opinion on the above question, so please take some time to think about it.
It is anticipated that by the end of Riksgränsen we will identify members of the Technology SIG with plans to meet on a regular basis between the FIPS world congresses following an agreed upon plan of action with regular online meetings and other actions, planning for 2026, etc.
The Treasurer has asked the SIG Coordinator for input to the FIPS budget going forward. Typically, this could be the cost of specialist presenters, attendance at industry conferences, etc. By the 2026 congress it would be anticipated that our Technology SIG will need funding for at least one outside specialist to attend and to have their travel/accommodation costs paid either in whole or part by FIPS.
Together we have the opportunity to identify and develop technological initiatives that may improve patrolling services on a global basis. I look forward to meeting you and discussing how modern technology has a very real and valuable role to play in patrol services.
Best Regards
Charlie Turner
2024 Technology SIG (58.4 KiB, 72 hits)