At the 2024 FIPS World Congress – Medical Special Interest Group

Dr. Peter Paal – Resuscitation in the patrolling environment.

Dr. Paal is an anesthesiologist and intensivist based in Salzburg, Austria. He has long standing interest in physiology and medicine in extreme environments.

Peter will give two talks. The first, on accidental hypothermia and its treatment including intermittent cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), a concept to perform CPR in technically challenging rescue where continuous CPR is not possible and mechanical chest compression not available. Secondly, he will give a talk on AvaLife – a technical and medical rescue algorithm for single and multiple burial in avalanches.

Dr. Anna Bågenholm – Severe immersion hypothermia – a personal experience.

Anna Bågenholm (, Department of Radiology Torvind Næsheim (, Departure of Anesthesiology and Acute Emergency, University Hospital of North Norway, Tromsø.

Survival from hypothermia with cardiac stand still depends on how the hypothermia develops, how cold the patient is, the first aid given, the decision “not to give up”, in addition to the endurance and skills of the rescue teams and the Intensive Care Unit. Anna and Torvind will give a speech about the accident and how the University Hospital in Tromsø saved her life.

On May 20,1999 at 6:20 p.m., 3 young doctor friends were skiing together off piste at Narvik, a subarctic town in northern Norway, 45 minutes from Riksgränsen. Due to snow melting, the only track back to civilization was through a gully with a partially melted waterfall. While traversing a narrow section, Anna fell and got trapped under the ice. With help from Torvind, Marie and a local rescue team, Anna was extricated at 7:45. She was unconscious with dilated pupils, breathless and pulseless. CPR and temperature conservation was initiated immediately. The air ambulance arrived at 7:56. Anna was intubated and ventilated with 100% oxygen and transported to the University Hospital of Northern Norway in Tromsø, with continuous CPR. Arriving at 9:10, Anna showed no signs of life. Her core temperature was 14.4°C, falling rapidly to 13.7°C when cardiopulmonary bypass was started.

Dr. Marc-Antoine Depatis – Spinal Motion Restriction – new research.

Dr Despatis is a specialist in vascular and transplant surgery with interest in wound care. Chief of the Vascular and Transplantation Surgery at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke, he teaches anatomy and surgery at the pre and post doctorate level in the rank of full professor. During his medical studies, he worked as a EMT in Montreal, and joined the Canadian Ski Patrol in 2004. Over the last 10 years, he has been a member of the National Medical Advisory Committee of the Canadian Ski Patrol helping with the writing of the CSP educational material. His involvement has been in teaching and research.


Dr. Per-Olof Michel – Psychotraumatology.

Dr. Michel is an associate professor and former head of psychiatry with the Swedish Armed Forces (Lt Colonel retired). He is the Director of Swedish National Centre for Disaster Psychiatry at Uppsala University and a Senior Researcher at Norwegian National Research Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress, University of Oslo.

His presentation will cover: What stress is, Activation and modulation of the Central Nervous System (CNS), Normal reactions and more severe conditions, Recovery and trajectories, Practical crisis support, 4 stressors in operational settings, 5 essential elements for support, the Stress Continuum model, Stress First Aid (SFA), After Action Meeting (AAM) and Informal After Action Review (AAR), Individual stress management, the Battle Buddy Support Programme, When professional evaluation may be required, Primary Care PTSD Screen for DSM-5 (PC-PTSD-5).

Dr. Viktor Lugnet – Mechanical Chest Compression Devices,

Dr. Lugnet specializes in Internal Medicine but is currently working as a resident in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care medicine. He has a keen interest in avalanche medicine, circulatory and respiratory disease. He is a Canadian Avalanche Association ITP Level 2 avalanche technician and forecaster.

Since 2013 Viktor is based in Östersund in the middle of Sweden close to the mountain range. Apart from his day job at the hospital in Östersund, Viktor works as an avalanche instructor and first aid educator for the Swedish ski patrol education. He is also part of one of two alpine mountain rescue services in Sweden. Until 2022 was a part of the avalanche technician and forecasting team for the national avalanche forecasting system run by SEPA.

The Paradise Paradox – Mental health issues in resort villages.

The Paradise Paradox is a film produced by Olympic racer Bode Miller on the mental health issues of destination ski resorts and mitigation strategies that are underway. Filmed in the western United States, several cases related to suicide and occupational stress are presented.



Terry Abrams – Host and forums moderator.

Terry is the Coordinator of the Medical Special Interest Group. He is an advanced care paramedic, as well as a patroller with the Canadian Ski Patrol for the past 45 years. His research interests are resuscitation during toboggan transportation.



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