FIPS Patroller Webinar

  Listen – – Learn – – Perform

First Presentation – Approach to the Pediatric Patient

Second Presentation -State of the Art in Avalanche Rescue

January 24, 2023– 20:00 UTC


Here’s what you can look forward to!

Approach to the Pediatric Patient

“Children are NOT miniature adults”

Dr. Niels Giddins graduated from Queen’s University School of Medicine, Kingston Ontario Canada in 1981, and then specialized in pediatrics and pediatric cardiology, practicing at the University of Manitoba Health Sciences Center, Winnipeg Canada from 1987 through 1998.  He was appointed Chair of Pediatric Cardiology at Deborah Heart and Lung Center, Browns Mills, New Jersey USA through 2007, and has been an Associate Professor at the University of Vermont Children’s Hospital, Burlington VT USA since 2007.
He learned to ski in Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada at age 5, and has been a member of the National Ski Patrol and volunteer ski patroller at Smugglers Notch, Vermont since 2015.  He joined the FIPS Medical Special Interest Group in 2019, becoming secretary in 2022.

Children make up a very large proportion of our sliding enthusiasts. Whether riders or skiers, they are often on the slopes with their families, in classes, in the parks or in any number of alpine programs. As patrollers we must recognize the unique characteristics of our child patient. Dr. Giddins will support performance by outlining significant differences in anatomy and physiology as well as practical guidance for optimal care of our youngest and smallest winter sport enthusiasts.


State of the Art in Avalanche Rescue

“Mountain safety”

Manuel Genswein, Founder of

Manuel has been working for 30 years in research and development in the domain of avalanche safety and rescue. His wide range of activity includes publications in risk perception and management, rescue and medical protocols, operational avalanche risk management, UIAA equipment safety standards as well as the development of search devices. Manuel is teaching in 32 countries, mainly focusing on “train the trainers” programs.

“In spite of the fact that avalanche search techniques including transceivers, Recco, and avalanche dogs should be able to find buried subjects relatively quickly, probe lines remain important, particularly in close proximity to ski resorts. We will discuss the different probe line techniques, their particular advantages and disadvantages.”


** The webinar will be delivered in English and a recording of the webinar will be available for view from the FIPS website following the webinar. **


 The Fédération Internationale des Patrouilles de Ski (FIPS) is the international organization representing ski patrol and associated ski safety organizations with membership from throughout the world. These patrol and safety organizations comprise full time & volunteer ski patrollers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, technicians, ski equipment instructors, ski area managers, etc., who are involved in the multidisciplinary activities of ski patrolling and safety.


   Thanks to Helly Hansen for helping make this webinar possible.



©2024 Fédération Internationale des Patrouilles de Ski


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